
Follow Thread

By Matt M

  • 3 Replies
  1. Matt M

    Matt M
    Valley Head, AL

    Have been trying addressing ball with left hand only on club, right hand only, and both hands. My tendency is for my shoulders to be open, which causes me to swing over the top.

    Any suggestions?

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    If it does not matter which hand is on the club and the shoulders are still open, it might be that the ball is being played too far forward. It would just be a guess as we can't really see you swing. Probably will get a bunch of conflicting advice here as your best bet would be to get your local pro to take a look. Hopefully you get it worked out and groove that swing. Good luck.
  3. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    My issue, as well, and am working with a PGA certified instructor. When he sets me up right, I hit the ball on target. No lessons on here, go see a teaching Pro, there could be more issues. Never too old to get lessons, will be 77 in September, if you really want to correct it.
  4. Peter CB

    Peter CB
    Bedfordshire, UK

    Not sure about on course fixes but I can empathise with the open shoulder fault. It’s the one thing that tends to creep into my game from time to time so to check it I’ll either grip my club and take the address position, then bring the club up to place across my shoulders to see where they’re pointing or, I find that if you take your set up posture, then stand up, if your shoulders were open then it’ll be pretty obvious. You can then square up and retake your posture. It’ll feel as though you are now closed in comparison.
    Hope I’ve explained it well enough for it to make sense.

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