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  • 89 Replies
  1. I like the look of long pants for a professional tournament. Until my boss is good with me wearing them to work, the pros should do the same. If they had to tote their own bags like the college kids, that would be different.
  2. Deno

    New Jersey

    No shorts. Keep Tour golf classy.

  3. - said:

    If you made the rules, would you allow pros the option to wear shorts in tournaments? I'm torn between tradition and comfortability. But the reality is, every year gets hotter. It's now a question of health. What do you think? Thanks! #TeamTitleist!

    I would definitely allow shorts
  4. Absolutely would allow shorts. Not even a question.
  5. gary h

    gary h
    Torrance, CA

    Shorts in good taste is fine...
  6. Yes, definitely shorts
    Post Image
  7. - said:

    If you made the rules, would you allow pros the option to wear shorts in tournaments? I'm torn between tradition and comfortability. But the reality is, every year gets hotter. It's now a question of health. What do you think? Thanks! #TeamTitleist!

    If the heat is hot enough where someone could end up in the ER, the players should have an option to wear shorts. Absolutely.
  8. Jonathan Smith

    Jonathan Smith
    Charlotte, NC

    I think pants look more professional and they have made great strides in creating breathable fabrics.
  9. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC


    JSmith said:

    I think pants look more professional and they have made great strides in creating breathable fabrics.

    Do not find loudmouth slacks looking very professional. Just saying. With respect.
  10. Mitch B

    Mitch B
    Huntsville, Alabama

    Shorts all the way. If the ladies can wear skirts, why can’t guys wear shorts?
  11. With the thought of solely looking professional, pants are the only way to go. I’ve read different replies on here talking about working in blue jeans to Ben Hogan in his pants but, haven’t read anything in regards to the material that the clothes the golfers are wearing. With the advancement in moisture wicking technology and sweat proof clothing, you barely see these guys break a sweat no matter what the temps. All of the charity events and non professional rounds they play on tv, yeah let them wear shorts, but the big time PGA events should have more of a professional look than letting everyone look like your average hack out there playing.
  12. Steve M

    Steve M
    Hatboro, PA

    absolutely allow shorts. They already allow them for practice rounds and pro-ams.

  13. Would shorts go with a hoody though?!
    They definitely should be able to - too many people don’t consider golf to be a sport. Wearing shorts looks more athletic to the non-golf ‘might-get-into-golf’ punter
  14. greg p

    greg p
    Chicago 'burbs, IL

    Yes to shorts. Tradition would have us in knickers, neckties, and cardigan sweaters. Wait...maybe that ain't so bad.
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